【Crew Figures X #香港理工大學旅遊系】Entrepreneur 講座回顧
早前Crew Figures創辦人Nana獲理工大學旅遊學系教授邀請,擔任課題「Entrepreneur」的演講嘉賓,與一眾即將投身社會的莘莘學子分享創業心得!
How did you spent your Valentine’s Day? Nana Kwong, the founder of Crew Figures, was invited to be a guest speaker on this day. Thanks to Dr. Chan, professor from Tourism Department of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Nana was honoured to get the chance to share her path to an entrepreneur with the new graduates.
Although the speech could not be given in lecture hall as planned originally due to pandemic situation, nearly 90 students came to participate through TEAMS meeting. Nana has shared her entrepreneurial experiences and hardships encountered along the way, she also hoped to take this opportunity share some tips for those who are interested in starting their own business.
Ultimately, she appreciated for all the attendees to participate this 40 minutes sharing, especially students from overseas joined at midnight. Crew Figures hereby wishes everyone to stay true to yourself and have an infinitely bright future.